»  Opinion Columns — Math and the Physical Sciences

Monge's Theorem



I occasionally — too occasionally — get the opportunity to pass public comment on the state of affairs in math and the physical sciences.

Date Place Title Topic
September 25, 2014 VDARE Debunking a Diversity "Theorem" and Fixing New York City Schools Math, diversity, and my new kitchen table.
July 20, 2014 VDARE Race and the International Math Olympiad Some in-your-face HBD facts.
March 6, 2014 Taki's Magazine Skepticism's Proper Target Jeer politicians, not scientists.
September 1, 2011 Taki's Magazine Al Gore's Dream of Power Climate change is the health of the state.
April 13, 2011 Taki's Magazine End of a Dream Manned space flight fades away.
February 17, 2011 Taki's Magazine Measuring the World Rods, roods, noggins, and guineas.
November 30, 2009 NRO Trust Science But not necessarily scientists.
Spring 2007 The Wilson Quarterly Euler's Constancy Leonhard Euler, an Enlightenment great.
June 5, 2006 NRO Space Is For Science Not for shuttles, stations, or "visions."
August 30, 2005 NRO Teaching Science Conservatively, from consensus.
April 21, 2005 NRO Lady of the Rings Emmy Noether.
March 2004 FOCUS  (the monthly newsletter
  of the Mathematical Association
    of America)
So You Want to Write
  a Pop-Math Book?
How it's done.
January 20, 2004 NRO Per Ardua ad Astra Human beings in space? Why?
March 17, 2003 NRO The Big Picture Contemplating the universe.
February 24, 2003 National Review After Columbia The second space shuttle disaster.
July 2, 2002 NRO Post Authorial Tristesse A load off my mind.
June 4, 2002 NRO In the Zone Pocket-protector sniffer.
May 8, 2002 NRO Road Warrior A weekend away from home.
May 10, 2001 NRO The Thin Gnat-Voices Millionaire in space.
June 5, 2000 National Review The Hardest "R" The teaching of mathematics.
October 1997 Mathematics Magazine Repeated Powers:
  A Comment in Verse
A sonnet commenting on
  an article about
    repeated exponentiation.