So shall we in the rout of life
Some thought, some faith, some meaning save,
And speak it once before we go
In silence to the silent grave.
— George Orwell
The faintest of all human passions is the love of truth.
— A.E. Housman
The ordinary modes of human thinking are magical, religious, social, and personal. We want our wishes to come true; we want the universe to care about us; we want the approval of those around us; we want to get even with that s.o.b who insulted us at the last tribal council. For most people, wanting to know the cold truth about the world is way, way down the list.
— John Derbyshire
Follow me at @DissidentRight … on X — or to give the thing its full name, "X-formerly-known-as-Twitter."
The podcast is created late Friday evening or early Saturday morning and shipped to the Z-man, my host website. For the February 14th edition, see here.
For yet more of the popular podcast outlets, see Z-man's home page.
By early morning on Saturday there should be a transcript up at my website here. In the "Navigation" box at top right on this page click on "Opinions," then "Radio Derb," then scroll down a bit.
I am a writer — novelist, pop-math author, reviewer, and opinion journalist — living on Long Island, New York.
This is my home page. I have archived the content of most of my written work (other than published books) on this website, so that you can get an idea of its scope and quality.
I am shameless about accepting donations. If something here gave you reading or listening pleasure, by all means help bolster my family finances. Thank you! You can donate directly using the PayPal button below, or by snail mail to me at P.O. Box 703, Huntington, NY 11743. I can receive Bitcoin at address 32SUgLA5k8XAqmVAqsSbs6GPsCnLypDce8. For transfers via Zelle, use the email address scawled vertically next to my mugshots at above left. To make a tax-deductible donation, mail a check earmarked with my name to: The VDARE Foundation, P.O. Box 211, Litchfield, CT 06759.
Commentary columns, articles, and reviews are all notified to X as they appear: Click on the X button at the top of this page.
This link takes you to an ad hoc web page I put up — a sort of blog — dealing with the events of mid-April, 2012, which attracted a lot of notice and which people still ask me about.
The "Last 3 months" link in the navigation box brings up links to all my published columns, articles, and reviews for the past three months.
Other pages accessible from here via the navigation box offer readings of poetry and prose, interviews I have done at various times, an album of family pictures from our marriage onwards, a "virtual attic" of memorabilia and photographs from my own and my family's histories, and any kinds of notes or oddities I feel like storing on my website under "Miscellaneous."
To get in touch with me, please use the email address scrawled (in hopes of foxing the spambots) next to my mugshot at the left here.
Below the line I have put a handful of links to commonly requested pages.
[Note on finding an article you dimly remember : If you dimly remember reading an article of mine and want to find it in these pages, just go to Google Advanced Search, enter "www.johnderbyshire.com" into the "Search within a site or domain" box at the bottom, and put key words or phrases in the search box(es). If that doesn't do the trick, you may be thinking of something I posted on National Review Online's group blog, The Corner. Corner posts didn't get archived here, and NRO only archives them for a short time back, so you are most likely out of luck; but try Google Advanced Search with search website "www.nationalreview.com/corner."]
Reader favorites and common enquiries: